+7 495 937 5933

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for Russian and foreign
companies in the RF
Accounting support of small Russian companies
from RUB 20000 per month.
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  • Ksenia
  • Oksana
  • Irina
  • Tatiana
  • Galina
  • Galina
  • Oksana
  • Svetlana
Melnik Ksenia General Director of Meridian and Partners

Work background:

Aeronautic Defence and Space Company (EADS) (presently the Airbus Group) – largest European Corporation, Project Manager, Assistant to the Head of EADS in Russia

Training background:

Higher linguistics Degree, Department of Translation, Specialist in cross-cultural communications, Multi-profile Academy of state service for training specialists for ministries and institutions working under the security management system.


Personnel management; Corporate Reputation Review and individual review of shareholders; aerospace and defense industry;

Shaposhnikova Oksana Mikhailovna Head of Accounting Department

Experience: over 22 years (22 years 9 months)

Training background:


All-Russian State Correspondence University of Finance and Economics
Majoring in Finance and Credit
Qualification – Economist


Moscow State University of Fine Chemical Technologies
Majoring in Physics and Chemical Study of metallurgic
Qualification - Physics and Chemistry Engineer

Certificates and qualifications

Center for professional training «Stek»

Certificate of Professional Development training No. 090670 in the "Legislative development in statutory regulation and topical issues of taxation practices" program (40 hours), 2015

Professional development center "Chto Delat Kvalifikatsiya"

Certificate series C No. 0030605 of training in "Legislative Development in tax law" (5 academic hours), 2015

The Center of economics and entrepreneurship

Certificate of Advance Training No. 032995 on the program "Accounting: innovations and problems of financial year" (40 hours), 2014

The Center of economics and entrepreneurship

Certificate of professional development training No. 213752 in the course No. 2.1.4 "Accounting: innovations and problems of financial year" (40 hours), 2013

Certificate of professional development training No. 168284 in the course No. 1.1.1 "Accounting (financial) reporting and analysis" (40 hours), 2012

Institute of professional accountants and auditors of Russia

Qualification certificate of professional accountant in commercial organization No. 093370 on granting qualification of professional chief accountant, expert - accountant (consultant), 2011

Institute of further education «GASIS»

Certificate of professional development training No. 054600 in the course No. 5.1 "Legislative development in accounting and audit, financial management, taxation and law" (40 hours), 2010

Institute of further education «GASIS»

Certificate of professional development training No. 013122 in the course No. 4.1 "Legislative development in the normative legislative development in regulatory control and topical issues of taxation practices" (40 hours), 2009

Institute of further education «GASIS»

Certificate of further education No. 696954 in the course No. 5.1 "Legislative development in accounting and audit, economic analysis and financial management, taxation and law" (40 hours), 2007

Institute of further education «GASIS»

Certificate of further education No. 546239 in the course No. 1.19 "Taxes and taxation" (40 hours), 2006

Institute of further education «GASIS»

Certificate of further education No. 300518 in the course No. 1.19 "Taxes and taxation" (40 hours), 2005

AKTIV educational advice center

Certificate of further education No. 348358 in the course No. 1.4 "Accounting (financial) reporting" (40 hours), 2004

Educational and methodical center "RUDN"

Certificate of further education No. 267455 in the course No. 1.7 "International standards of financial reporting" (40 hours), 2003

Matusevich Irina Chief accountant

Work experience: Over 21 years (21 years 5 months)

Education background:


the Moscow Order of Lenin Aviation Institute named after Sergo Ordzhonikidze.
Specialty: "Automatic drives"
Qualification: Electrical and mechanical engineer

Certificates and certificates

ROSNOU "Russian New University"

Diploma No. 772402120843 on professional further training in the "Training of Consultants in taxes and contributions" (380 hours), 2015

Non-commercial partnership "Chamber of tax consultants"

Qualification diploma No. 014735 of compliance of the qualification "Consultant on taxes and contributions", 2015 (till 20.04.2017)

Gabrishevskaya Tatiana Senior Consultant

Work background: over 9 years (9 years 9 months)

Education background:


Financial University under the Government of the RF
Majoring in Accounting, analysis and audit
Qualification: Economist

Certificates and diplomas

Center of professional training STEK

Certificate of Advance Training No. 090643 in "Legislative development in Regulatory control and topical issues of taxation practices " program (40 hours), 2015

The training center "GASIS"

Certificate of Advance Training No. 033917 in special course "Accounting: innovations and topical issues of financial year" (40 hours), 2014

The training center "GASIS"

Certificate of professional development training No. 202892 No. 2.1.4 in the course "Accounting: innovations and topical issues of financial year" (40 hours), 2013

The training center "GASIS"

Certificate of training in the course "Financial English - 2", 2013

The training center "GASIS"

Certificate of professional development training No. 168988 No. 2.1.2 in the course "Legislative development in Regulatory control and Topical issues of taxation practices " (40 hours), 2012

The training center "GASIS"

The diploma in additional vocational training in the Financial English program (100 academic hours), 2012

Institute of professional accountants and auditors of Russia

Qualification certificate of professional accountant of commercial organization No. 243133 on granting the qualification of professional chief accountant, expert accountant (consultant), 2011 (till 27.10.2016)

Semenova Galina Chief accountant

Experience: more than 13 years (13 years 2 months)



Moscow state evening metallurgical institute
Specialty: Accounting and audit
Qualification: Economist

Certificates and certificates

Professional development center "Chto Delat Kvalifikatsiya"

Certificate series C No. 0030606 in "Legislative Development in tax law" (5 academic hours), 2015

State academy of professional retraining and professional development of executives and experts of the investment sphere

Certificate No. 1658 of short-term professional development training in "International Financial Reporting Standards" program (72 hours), 2011

Guznova Galina Senior consultant

Experience: nearly 22 years (21 years 11 months)



All-Russian correspondence financial and economic institute
Specialty: "Accounting and audit"
Qualification: Economist

Certificates and certificates

ROSNOU "Russian New University"

Certificate No. 772402120246 of short-term professional development in "Topical Issues of Taxation in 2015-2016" program (72 hours), 2015

ROSNOU "Russian New University"

Diploma No. 772402120794 on professional retraining in " Consultant for Taxes and contributions" program (380 hours), 2014

Non-commercial partnership "Chamber of Tax Consultants"

Qualification certificate No. 014339 of compliance with qualification "Consultant for taxes and fees", 2014 (till 22.12.2016)

Romanova Oksana Accountant
Zimakova Svetlana Accountant

Of course, not all employees of the accounting department are shown here and we decided to get you acquainted with the most honored and experienced ones.

better than staff accountant

Why is outsourcing

Expenses on staff accountant
start at 123800 rub/month
Accounting expenses
  • Accountant's salary
    In Moscow the salary of an accountant fluctuates in the range of 70-100 thousand rubles depending on the level of qualification
    75 000
  • Tax on salary
    43,2% of accountant’s salary 30,2+13
    32 400
  • Depreciation of furniture, office equipment
    Personal computer, furniture of workplace, office equipment, software licenses
    3 000
  • Rent of a workplace of the accountant 5 000
  • Expenses on holiday/sick leave of accountant 2 400
  • 1C: Accounting department, payment for monthly service
    License for one employee amount to 16 200 rub.
    2 500
  • The legal reference systems Consultant Plus or Garant Plus, installation, monthly service 2 500
  • Stationery, subscription to accounting magazines, books, paid professional seminars 1 500
  • The software Contur, Taxcom
    Electronic submittal of reporting
    2 000

Risks of accounting mistakes, consequences of unprofessionalism
  • The cost of recovery of accounting per year
    Recovery of accounting costs from 300 thousand rub and more, depending on the term and number of documents
  • Cost of services for liquidation of legal entity
    Liquidation of legal entity costs from 500 thousand rub
Accounting support /
outsourcing in Meridian - from 20000 rub/month

Choosing accounting support / outsourcing makes sense:

- considerable reduction in costs of accounting department;

- in risks connected with unprofessionalism, human factor.

  • Tip №1When comparing expenses on a staff accountant and outsourcing, please analyze all monthly expenses in total, and not just a salary.
  • Tip №2Consider human factor risks (professional mistakes, diseases).
  • Tip №3Take into account motivation of accountantand his/her ability to adapt for business changes.
Call to our hot line for receiving free consultation: +7 (495) 937-59-33
Or order a return call, the specialist will contact you and will answer
all questions you are interested in
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Our company is accredited with the Russian Innovation Center Skolkovo as official provider of accounting services.

Since 2010, we have been providing accounting services to the participants of Skolkovo.

Sectoral expertise

And out clients

  • cl1cl1Manufacturing
  • cl1cl1Media
  • cl1cl1IT and Telecommunication
    IT and Telecommunication
  • cl1cl1Transportation
  • cl1cl1Construction
  • cl1cl1Medicine
  • cl1cl1Services
  • cl1cl1Petrochemical sector
    Petrochemical sector
  • cl1cl1Aerospace industry
    Aerospace industry
  • cl1cl1Agriculture
  • cl1cl1Motor industry
    Motor industry
  • cl1cl1Financial sector
    Financial sector
  • cl1cl1Real Estate
    Real Estate
Even if you did not find your industry – please contact us,
most likely we will be able to help you: +7 (495) 937-59-33, info@meridiancapital.ru

clients choose us


  • Extensive professional experience – 19 years

    Maintaining book accounting and tax accounting is one of the priority profiles of the company. Today, Meridian provides accounting service to more than 70 enterprises from different industries: manufacture, processing, agriculture, construction, services, transport, real estate, medicine and many others. Our clients are small, medium and large businesses. The average professional experience of our employees in the sphere of accounting and audit – 15 years.

  • International standards for rendering services.

    We submit reporting under the Russian standard (RAS), the widely used U.S. GAAP and European MSFO. Our experts have extensive experience of interaction and maintaining accounts of large international companies.

  • System of double control over the activity of accountants.

    Quality of providing accounting services is controlled not only by the tandem assigned to the company (accountant/assistant), but also by the head of the department.

    In the period of the smallest workload in the department, our experts are engaged in "continuous" analysis of the provided accounting services to all our account customers.

  • Sensitivity to any individual features of the client and business

    Functions of external accounting department of our company are much broader than processing of primary reporting.

    Our accountants provide qualified, expeditious and reliable services in consulting accounting support of the enterprise with use of the advanced computer and communication technologies.

  • Faultless reputation on the market.

    Meridian’s team values its business reputation:

    For partners we choose only trusted and established in the market companies;

    We hold ourselves accountable to high standards in providing service to clients and annually we raise its level;

    70% of our clients recommend Meridian to their partners.

  • Archiving and long-term storage of documentation

    In coordination with the client, all documentation is sorted and contained in dedicated storage facilities. You may request available copies of documents after one, three, five or more years – your documents will be safe.

  • Complex set of decisions for successful functioning of all Company processes.

    Meridian ensures a steady competitive advantage of your business in the market.

  • And all of those are for sustainable competitive advantage of your business in the market!


Only the professional auditor company can check quality of services of accounting department.
Results of work of Meridian are confirmed by positive audit reports of the Big Four accounting firms.


Step 1You call us or leave a callback request
Step 2Telephone Consultation with a specialist
Step 3Meeting for learning details of your business, conclusion of the contract
Step 4Effective cooperation
Call to the hot line for receiving free consultation: +7 (495) 937-59-33
Or order a callback, the specialist will contact you and will answer
all questions you are interested in
By clicking on the button «Order», I agree to the processing of personal data
Do you want the meeting to be productive? Fill in the questionnaire and send on info@meridiancapital.ru



  • Conclusion of the contract for services with the main conditions;
  • Providing primary documentation on time;
  • Posting accounting entries, maintaining accounting and tax registers and/or control of timely and correct reflection of information by the client's experts in the accounting database;
  • Preparation and submittal of the reporting.


  • Outsourcing of elements of the Accounts Department
  • The zero reporting
  • Establishment of financial record keeping
  • 3 NDFL
  • Accounting restoration
  • Tax audit and tax expertise
  • Tax consultation
Outsourcing of elements of the Accounts Department

If you have no wish to maintain a full range of internal accounting functions, we suggest you outsource specific roles:

  • Formation of accounting and tax reports;
  • Payroll calculations;
  • Creation and submission of tax reports and off-budget funds;
  • Accounting of Russian and foreign currency transactions;
  • Cash operation accounting;

Please contact our specialists for full details

The zero reporting

Accounting, tax and statistical reports represented by the taxpayer who is temporarily not carrying out financial and economic activity

According to legislation all companies have to submit “zero reports” to the tax authorities, even if they are inactive.

Our experts will assume responsibility for this function and prepare and submit the reports on time, saving you time and worry.

Establishment of financial record keeping

Establishment of rules and protocols for the correct accounting practices for the enterprise.

The main goal of the establishment of correct accounting process is organizing the department in the most efficient manner. Thus, stability and minimum expenditure are ensured.

The establishment of the correct and proper financial record keeping is a single service and carried out in the case of the creation or reorganization of an enterprise; if cardinal legislative changes occur or if a restoration of the accounts has been applicable.

Declaration to be submitted to the tax inspection at the place of registration for reporting your income and expenses.
Accounting restoration

If a company has not been compliant with the maintenance of full accounts records, it may be necessary, retrospectively to provide accounting records as per the legislative requirement.

We will help to put your documentation in order, develop correct accounting policies and we will protect the enterprise from undesirable consequences when checking with the fiscal bodies.

The procedure for the restoration of accounts reports begins with an express audit (1 through 5 days depending on the size of the enterprise). Upon its completion, we will provide substantiated summary on:

  • what risks the company has when checked by the tax authorities, in the given situation;
  • where there are critical errors and whether urgent restoration of the accounts reports are needed.

As the Accounts Report Post-Audit will not coincide with the original incorrect Report, our company’s specialists will make and submit the revised Accounts Report for the restored period. After the creation of the new Report and in coordination with you, the Report will be submitted to the tax authorities.

Tax audit and tax expertise

Tax audit is a check which purpose is confirmation of the reliability of the tax declarations which are handed over by the enterprise in compliance of legislative accounting and tax accounting requirements.

Tax expertise - the type of examination which is carried out for the purpose of the definition of the degree of compliance of tax and book accounting data and also the timeliness of the fulfillment of duties on payment of taxes and fees.

Within a tax audit and expertise our experts carry out the following functions:

  • perform a tax audit of the payment of taxes and fees, identify tax risks, prepare the report and make practical recommendations to decrease tax risks;
  • the analysis of the tax account system and the development of our recommendations;
  • carrying out Tax due diligence.
Tax consultation

To achieve the most beneficial position for the company within a legal tax framework

Our experts render the following services:

  • consultations on tax issues;
  • the analysis of the operating accounting policies, completion and (or) development of accounting policies;
  • preparation of the tax reports for legal entities and individuals;

representation of client interests in relations to the authorities:

  1. maintenance of cameral and exit tax audits;
  2. preparation of claims against actions by the tax authorities;
  3. preparation of legal complaints against Judicial and higher tax authorities;

consultation on taxes and fees of legal entities and individuals:

  1. consultation on questions of applying the legislation on taxes, collecting and other obligatory payments;
  2. tax planning;
  3. check of correctness of conducting tax accounting and drawing up the tax reports;
  4. tax consultation during actions of tax control;
  5. representation during pre-judicial settlement of tax dispute.
Call to the hot line for receiving free consultation: +7 (495) 937-59-33
Or order a callback, the expert will contact you and will answer all
questions interesting you
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Office in the center of Moscow:

Address: 13/3 Sadovaya-Chernogryazskaya st., Office 3, 105064, Moscow, Russia

Ph. +7 495 937 5933, Fax: +7 495 937 4845

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